Privacy & Security Instructions

Following these fundamental stepswill help increase privacy and security for WZOOM meetings.

  1. Password Protection
  2. Applying a Password to a Previously Scheduled Meeting.
  3. How Passwords Work
  4. Rename Participants When They Call in by Phone (Host)
  5. Remove an Unidentified Participant from a Call (Host)
  6. Support

Password Protection

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in using your Western username and password
  3. On the task bar to the left, click Settings (which will automatically highlight the Meeting tab)
    Meeting tab
  4. Scroll down to locate the 5 password settings listed below. You may find yours are in a different order than how they are shown below. If they are not already on, turn on the toggle for all five password settings listed. When they are turned on, they will highlight in blue.
    • Require a password when scheduling new meetings
    • Require a password for instant meetings
    • Require a password for Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
    • Embed password in meeting link for one-clickjoin
    • Require password for participants joining by phone
    Require Password Password Phone
  5. Changes will automatically be saved.

Applying a Password to a Previously Scheduled Meeting

If you have previously scheduled meetings that you now need to add a password to, you can do this directly from Outlook or from the Zoom App by editing the meeting settings.

In Outlook

  1. Open the meeting in Outlook.
  2. Click on Settings (zoom). Depending on the version of Outlook you have, the settings button may look different. It may look like either of these options, or slightly different.
    Setting 1 Setting 2
  3. The settings will open. Check the box Require meeting password. A random 6 digit number will populate in the password field.
    Require meeting
  4. Click Continue. The zoom meeting details will now be updated to include a password.
    Password info
  5. On the Outlook Invitation, click Send Update. Participants will receive an update with the password now included in the invite. To avoid confusion, you may want to add text to the body of the invite, telling them that this update is because a password has been added to the meeting.
    Send Update

In the Zoom App

  1. Open the Zoom App.
  2. Click the Meeting you want to edit so that it highlights in blue.
  3. Click Edit.
    zoom edit
  4. Under Password, check Require meeting password. A Random 6 digit password will populate in the password field.
    meeting id
  5. Press Save. The zoom meeting details will now be updated to include a password.
    Password info
  6. The Outlook invitation will open.
  7. Click Send Update. Participants will receive an update with the password now included in the invite. To avoid confusion, you may want to add text to the body of the invite, telling them that this update is because a password has been added to the meeting.
    Send Update

How Passwords Work

When these five settings are enabled, your users that are joining using the meeting link will not have to enter a password as it is secure and embedded in the link. Only users that are joining using the meeting ID will be prompted to enter a password.

The password will show in the zoom meeting request details. This is not considered a security risk and is convenient for both the host and participants. That being said, it is the responsibility of participants not to forward this link to those who are not invited to the call.

Rename Participants When They Call in by Phone (Host)

When a participant calls in by phone, their personal phone number will be the only thing that identifies them. As a host it is your responsibility to ask them to identify themselves. Once they have been identified, you can rename them.

  1. Hover over the picture associated with the phone number.
  2. In the upper, right-hand corner, the options ofMute or More will appear. Click on the 3 dots for More Options.
  3. Click Rename.
  4. A window will open where you can type the participant’s name over the phone number. Click OK.
    New screen name

Remove an Unidentified Participant from a Call (Host)

If a participant is not able to identify themselves as someone invited to the call, you can remove them from the meeting.

  1. Hover over the picture associated with the phone number.
  2. In the upper, right-hand corner, the options of Mute or More will appear. Click on the 3 dots for More Options.
  3. Click Remove.
  4. You will be asked to confirm that you want to remove them from the meeting.
    Remove ok
  5. Click OK. They will be removed and will not be able to rejoin the meeting.


If you need any assistance with any of the above instructions, or have questions about privacy and security, fill out the ADV Help Form and someone from Technical Services (University Advancement) will be happy to assist you