Add to Calendar Links

1. Go to (I recommend you bookmark this link in your browser, or save it with your other resources.)

2. Input event information on the form. The description does not format into paragraphs; I recommend including one line with Western Alumni branding and the link to the event. For example, “Link to Western Alumni event, A Conversation with Chanel Miller:”.

3. Click "Generate iCal (.ics) file".

4. Click "Copy URL".

5. *Important* Test your .ics file by opening a new browser window and pasting the URL there to make sure the correct information populates in the calendar. Please carefully check date, time and the event details. Once the link is sent in the auto-responder there is no way to correct it.

6. In your Luminate Online Event autoresponder, add a line “Add to calendar”.

6. Hyperlink “Add to calendar”. Use the copied URL (from step 4) as your hyperlink.

When the user clicks the hyperlink, the browser will show a new file that, when opened or saved, automatically populates relevant information into the user’s default calendar. For those with Google Calendar, they will likely have to save and import it, but google users should be used to that.